River Fishing: Mountain Fresh

River Fishing: Mountain Fresh Game Description

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River Fishing: Mountain Fresh is the second game in the River Fishing series of online fishing games. This series focuses on creating a realistic fishing game experience for the online player. Players start by selecting from six different spots to fish along the river. Each spot has its own unique look, complete with wild life sounds, such as crickets, birds and the sound of river water rushing past.

Players are thrust into a first person view after selecting their fishing spot. A large, detailed fishing pole dominates the view. Players control it by dragging the mouse across the screen. The rod will follow the mouse as it moves. A series of different lures are laid out across the top of the screen. Players select this by left clicking on them. Each offers its own unique advantages that must be learned by the players as they play. The player must learn which lure catches which fish as there are five different species available. Each species will only bite specific lures.

A small arrow appears underneath of your cursor when you point it at the river. Left click to throw your lure to this spot. Let the lure sit for a few moments. Listen for a loud “ping” noise. This means a fish has bit your lure. Left click to reel in your line. Watch the power bar at the right to avoid breaking your line. Stop reeling for a moment if the bar gets tall and red. Move around the river ever few minutes to catch new fish.

River Fishing: Mountain Fresh Game Controls

  • Cast – left-click on the water to cast your line.
  • Reel in – left-click and hold the button to reel in your line.
River Fishing: Mountain Fresh, 4.2 out of 5 based on 6 ratings
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